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Everything bodyweight mastery

This class is focused around building all the bodyweight skills seen in the gym. The goal could be your first pull up, muscle up or press up! The training cycles are built so everyone has options depending on their experience with the bodyweight movements! Running alongside the class cycle we use 6 week cycles to build around a particular focus… For example a 6 week pull up which builds into a 6 week muscle up block

The goal is to build your confidence moving your own bodyweight through multiple movements, bodybuilding and core work

This is a great way to also boost your barbell work having a solid foundation of upper body & core strength

Every Wednesday 6:30pm!

EQ-FT – Strength and conditioning classes

This is our classic strength and conditioning class. Classes are fun and varied to challenge you to become fitter, faster, stronger and leaner. Expect to use barbells, dumbells, kettle bells, gymnastics and cardio combined with top level coaching.

Class Example

Warm Up:
Pulse raiser:
3-5 Minutes of partner medball game, partner performs 3 down ups each time they loose!
Mobility and activation:
2 Rounds
5 Wall Facing Squats
10 Bird Dogs
10 Dead Bugs
10 Air Squats @1 second pause in bottom
10-7-5 Back squats increasing load each set

Built to a heavy 5 back Squat (75-85% range)
2×10 @31×1 Tempo
(50% range)

5 Rounds for time
6 Hang power Snatch @35/50KG
12 Wall Balls @9/6KG
24 Double Unders

Cool Down:
2/2 Minutes Pigeon Hip Floss

EQ-WL – Weightlifting classes

This is our weightlifting Specific class, an hour dedicated to improving your technique and strength with the Olympic lifts, all of our team are British weightlifting qualified and have a-lot of experience training to improve the Snatch & Clean and Jerk

It’s perfect for those who want to spend more training time with the barbell and strength work! Not only that, it would also Passover well to the barbell work in FIT classes!

Recommended previous experience: 4-6 weeks of 2-3 FIT classes per week.

Class Example

Warm Up:
-5 Minute coach led Mobility flow

-Empty Barbell preparation
2x 10 Pass through
2x 5 Front squats
2x 5 Clean Deadlifts
2x 3 Tall Cleans + Push press
2x 3 Hang cleans + power jerk
2x 3 Clean + Split jerks

Main session:
A: Clean and Jerk Week 1

15 Minutes to accumulate 7-9 Sets of:
2 Hang cleans
1 Clean
1 Split Jerk

B1: Clean & Jerk Strength Week 1

4x 5 Paused Front squats
@65-70% of Clean 1RM (Something you could do 6-8 with in week 1)
B2: DB Split press
4x 5

B1 & B2 Performed as a superset

C: 2 Minute per Side Front rack Stretch

”Really welcoming everyone catered for and very friendly atmosphere”
